Showing 243 Result(s)

Cannabis Support for Anxiety – A Words Worth

CANNABIS CAN DEFINATELY REDUCE ANXIETY for some people. There is no doubt that people often feel profoundly relaxed in both mind and body after consuming cannabis. CBD-dominant strains tend to reduce levels of anxiety as they act on serotonin receptors. However, for some, THC could decrease anxiety as it produces psychoactive effects that relieve people’s stress and improve anxiety.

Hypnosis for Wellbeing amidst Covid-19 crisis & social distancing challenges

A single guided session of TRANSFORMATION TALK thru HYPNOSIS can substantially reduce the stress put on your immune system during the uncertainty of these times. BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM – TRAIN YOUR BRAIN TO COMBAT WORRY, STRESS & ANXIETY – using your unconscious mind to create powerful, positive, and lasting life changes.


For shoppers that are hungry for deals and retailers wishing to meet or exceed their annual revenue forecasts, BLACK FRIDAY signals the “most wonderful time of the year” and retailers of all types (including cannapreneurs) are “spreading the joy” (the savings, discounts, and special offers) throughout the months of November and December.