Pins and Needles, Shock spasms & Chest Pain – The Fibro Fight Series – Episode 018

Costochondritis is the medical name for chest wall pain—also called acute
inflammation of the costal cartilage, which is located near the sternum. If you are
diagnosed with the condition, you will want to get out in front of treating
costochondritis. This article will explain the natural costochondritis cure and how to
treat costochondritis symptoms.
Costal cartilage inflammation causes a sharp pain in the front of the chest wall,
which may then spread to the back or abdomen. The breastbone and rib joints also
become inflamed and tender. The pain caused by costochondritis may also mimic a
heart attack or other heart conditions.
The pain will worsen when you cough or take a deep breath; however, the pain
decreases when you stop all movement or when you breathe quietly.
There is often no apparent cause of costochondritis, although some doctors
believe that bacterial or viral infections may trigger this chest pain. Others believe
increased activity of the arms also causes costochondritis.
How to Cure Costochondritis
Costochondritis can be painful, but is also quite harmless. How long does
costochondritis take to heal? It will often go away on its own within a few days or
weeks, but sometimes it can take a number of months.
Costochondritis is curable, but the course of treatment will depend on the
underlying cause of your pain. There are also many tips for how to treat
costochondritis naturally.
Medicinal Cannabis is a great option for pain relief. Studies show that
Medicinal Cannabis provides the best pain relief at a 1:1 CBD/THC ratio.
Can CBD alone provide relief?
CBD alone is an anti-inflammatory, THC alone is an analgesic. CBD (only)
may reduce the inflammation which may result in a decrease in pain, but
not in comparison to the analgesic effects that THC can provide

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