How you talk to your ‘self’, allow others to speak to you, and what your brain interprets from those speech patterns HAS a TREMENDOUSLY HUGE EFFECT on your health and wellness. What you program into your brain with words will affect your frame of mind, attitude, and mood. Your ability to sleep, eat, function, communicate with others – it ALL BEGINS with the programming in your brain.
There are many ways to FIGHT FIBRO but the most powerful tool you have is your mind. I’m not spouting some “mind over matter” regurgitated stuff here – I am SERIOUSLY SAYING – SPEAK KINDLY, COMPASSIONATELY, AND CONSIDERATELY to yourself! Start doing this out loud and in your head and watch the wondrous changes unfold subtly in your life!
“Your success or failure in anything, large or small, will depend on your programming – what you accept from others, and what you say when you talk to yourself.”
There are many super self-help strategies and tactics that can have a positive impact on the quality of your life, and the health and wellness you experience. But literally, what you tell yourself when you talk to yourself IS BRAIN PROGRAMMING!

If the programming within ourselves is not programmed correctly, our well-thought-out and well-intentioned actions can be derailed –In the same way that a computer is programmed affects the output that it produces. If a computer is programmed with flawed commands, then it will produce flawed results. The “coding” of the computer is what determines the limits of the computer.
YOUR BRAIN is the ultimate weapon. With improved Self-Talk, you can learn to adjust your programming and come to confidently rely on yourself to optimize your overall outlook on life, the dis “ease” you are battling and come up with new POSITIVE PLANS that support your efforts to BE WELL, TO BE HAPPY and TO BE MORE than a machine exchanging oxygen for carbon dioxide.

If you are having difficulty getting past the negative self-talk, if breaking the habit of criticizing yourself is too much to tackle alone – you may want to consider one or more coaching sessions – We will use Hypnosis in combination with Neural Linguistic Programming as an integrative approach to support your efforts to RETRAIN YOUR BRAIN – Easily! Book a call with me for more information.
Kindness in self-talk is as important as the words you use. I would not speak to an ailing stranger with criticism and judgment in my voice, therefore I do not speak to my SELF that way either. In fact, I have become very aware of the “INTERNAL CONVERSATIONS” I have with my SELF and as such, I’ve developed an enriched dialogue that helps me help me regularly.
I’ve heard it suggested and recommended that people practice “positive” self-talk to eliminate and crowd out the “negative” self-talk habits, but I don’t believe in categorizing our thoughts and emotions in those two distinctive categories. I think it’s unforgiving and dismissive of our complicated human tendencies. Thoughts – good, bad or otherwise are not “wrong” in general, everything that goes through your head is valid and useful. It’s only how you process your thoughts and speak to yourself that drives the results. THEREFORE, KINDER SELF-TALK is encouraging and forgiving. It is more constructive than it is critical. Kind self-talk uses words that are compassionate and empathetic, not commanding or harsh! Talk to your SELF like you speak to a child you love.
It’s interesting and rewarding to wield this private power. Internal dialogue sets the stage for action and you are in the director’s chair! Make your movie “GREAT”. I’d love to know how MODIFYING INTERNAL DIALOGUE works for you..let me know in the comments.
I will be posting many ways we can change negative self-talk on Social media and via the website blogs so please stay tuned – SUBSCRIBE – LIKE – FOLLOW and share with friends and family – show you care 🙂
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