Don’t be discouraged by fears and or phobias! You can overcome them easily using hypnosis and NLP strategies. Fears and phobias can take over our lives, preventing us from enjoying it to the fullest. Many people would love to expel the fears that can often rule their lives and hypnosis has been proven to be very successful in helping clients to deal with these challenges. YOU can fight back and be a victor not a victim of your fear/phobia.
Everyone is afraid of something. Whether it’s heights, spiders, or even clowns–everyone has at least one thing that they are afraid of. But what do you do when your fear is so intense that just the mere thought makes you want to scream? That’s where this article comes in. We’re going to talk about how to cope with phobias!
Get rid of Fear. NLP Fast Phobia Cure technique
The NLP Fast Phobia cure aims to remove all types of fears and phobias. A phobia is a fear that is out of all proportion to the actual danger. For example, in most countries, spiders are harmless, but thousands of people are terrified of spiders. If your fear starts to interfere with your normal life, then you have a phobia. People can have phobias about almost anything.
How is a phobia started?
Phobias are caused by accident. To create a phobia you need three things: 1) A sudden, unexpected event. 2) An overwhelming fear, and 3) the feeling that you cannot escape.

I had a client with a fear of fish. Any fish. Fish on a plate. Or in an aquarium. She could not even go into the water to swim because fish lived in the water!
In the first hypnotherapy session we were able to find the cause. It was directly related to a childhood incident. At the Toronto Exhibition when whe was a young child – aged 6 or 7 – her uncle won a goldfish from a ring toss game. The fish was in some water in a glass jar which they put in a bag for her to carry home. On the way home she dropped the bag near a garbage can where there was broken glass. In her attempt to “save the fish” she got cut, her mother yelled, the fish flopped and gasped for air, she knew it was her fault. She was going to get punished. Her wonderful fish was dying, she was bleeding. A perfect day suddenly turned horribly awful and for all intent purposes her mind shut down completely putting her into “FIGHT, FLIGHT or FREEZE” mode and as a little girl, all she wanted to do was flee the scene.
That was how her phobia was created. Anything to do with fish triggers that emotions of that memory and the fear she felt. Her mind wants to keep her safe. So it sends out the order Get Out of Here RIGHT NOW. If she does run away then her mind has protected her. As long as she stays away from fish, she will never feel that awful feeling again. A phobia is way of protecting yourself – even when it is an illogical fear or a phobia created without logic.
Using the NLP Fast Phobia Cure
The Fast Phobia cure is fast and simple. There are many variants of the basic technique, the script given here is the based on the ‘Magic Movie Theatre’ technique.

The phobic person is guided to make changes to each submodality. You can change the speed at which you experience your fear. You can alter the colors. Or you can put a funny soundtrack on the movie – much like I did with another client who was terrified of birds – pigeons in particular! During our hypnotherapy session she imagined being in the park beside an old man on a bench who was feeding the pigeons. Simply adding imaginary top hats to the birds, accentuating the colors of their plumage and pretending there was circus music – she found the pigeons (and all birds afterwards) as entertaining creatures.
By changing how you experience the fear situation, you break the link between the object and the fear. The fear is no longer automatic, so the fear goes away.
- Imagine you are sitting in a movie theater. You are the only one in the cinema.
- In front of you is a blank screen.
- Above and behind you there is a projection room. The projection room is where someone changes the movie and projects the image onto the screen.
- You have got a controller which determines which movie is played from the projection box, at what speed, and you can freeze it, fast forward or reverse it. The contoller also controls the sound and the colour. With the controller you can control the size of the projected image, make it a small image or a large image. You are totally in control of what happens on the screen. You can stop it at any time.
- In this movie theater you are safe. You can safely view any experience, any part of your life. Nothing can happen to you while you are sitting in this movie theater.
- You’re sitting in a seat near the middle. See yourself sitting there, waiting for the show to begin.
- Next, imagine floating out of your body, and up into the projection room behind you. From there in the projection room, you can see the screen, and you can see yourself sitting down there in the seat in the middle of the movie theater.
- Now, look at the screen from the projection room. Imagine seeing you sitting in the seat below using the controller to choose an movie to put on the screen.
Using NLP PHOBIA CURE Modalities
- The first image is a picture of the situation the moment just before you get the phobia, or the trigger for the phobia, or the thing that causes the bad feeling you want to get rid of.
- Imagine you now Press Play on the controller.
- That snapshot on the screen turns into a movie that begins to play slowly. Watch it play from the beginning, up to just beyond the end of that unpleasant experience.
- If you feel frightened or distressed you can stop the movie instantly.
- Then go back to the beginning and try to play it a bit longer next time. Keep doing that until you can see yourself watching the whole movie all the way through.
- When you get to the end, I want you to stop the movie, and then run the movie backwards. You will see everything happening in reverse – people will walk backwards, things will move backwards – run the movie back to the start.
- Then run the movie forward, but do it really fast, taking only one or two seconds to do it. Then run it backwards.
- Then run it forward again, but this time as it gets towards the end, the whole screen shrinks in size until is as if you are watching a cartoon the size of a postage stamp.
- Then run the movie slowly forwards again but this time add funny voices to the people, add circus music to the soundtrack, see clowns leaping around in the scenes, see the thing you are worried about becoming tiny or getting stamped on, or getting washed away down a drain. Then run the movie backwards and forwards as fast as you can.
- Go back and think about what is was that was giving you the problem. You will find that your reaction to it is now different.
- If you need to you can run the movie again and again, each time changing something about it until you feel comfortable thinking about the phobic situation.
The fast phobia cure is particularly effective with phobias that are triggered by a specific thing, such as a fear of needles, fear of dentist visits, or spiders. The fast phobia cure also works for getting rid of bad memories or painful experiences from the past. You can apply the fast phobia technique to a wide range of phobias and irrational fears.
“IF YOU ARE SICK & TIRED of living with this “fear” or “phobia” try these exercises to help you, help you find freedom. If you have difficulty “doing it yourself” know that most fears and phobias are easily resolved in one or two hypnotherapy sessions – BOOK A DISCOVERY CALL WITH ME TODAY & LEARN HOW I CAN HELP YOU, HELP YOU!“

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