Spring is a time when nature goes through a transformation, preparing to grow and thrive for the months ahead. So why not do the same for ourselves? After the long winter, many of us feel the “FEVER” of spring – With the influxes of energy and your ability to RENEW, this is the best time to START or restart your path to a greater, healthier, happier transformed you for the year. Consider the things in life that make living special. Open up to the new beginning for mental, emotional, physical and spiritual growth. Spring is here and you are a part of everything beautiful that it brings!

Create a masterpiece!
Using tools like HYPNOSIS & NLP techniques is a wonderful strategy to create lasting positive changes that will continue to serve you and your best self the whole year through. Adding cannabis to the equation is instrumentally beneficial especially if you are someone who suffers from chronic pain, illness, fatigue or dis ease.
For all intent purposes many of us (especially in the north) see Spring as a time to “wake up” – a time to come out of hibernation and an opportunity to begin again. If pain, fear, attention deficit issues, or feelings of overwhelm are holding you back – or if procrastination is a chronic issue for you, I strongly encourage you to SCHEDULE A FREE DISCOVERY CALL with me to explore the ways in which I can help you, help you.
ALL HYPNOSIS TREATMENTS HAVE A STRONG MOTIVATIONAL ASPECT – People seek out a hypnotherapist because they want to experience a certain part of their life differently. Hypnosis gives you the resources that are already available in your brain to do this. A clinical hypnotist such as myself taps into this ability in your brain to help you, HELP YOU! There are also hundreds, if not thousands or more “SELF HYPNOSIS” tracks available online that, with a little practice – can definately spin your mind into a more motivated state easily. Go ahead and GOOGLE *self hypnosis for motivation” – the last time I searched there was over 5 million results!
NLP (NEURAL LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING) TECHNIQUES really help you get out of your own way because it works at the core of your foundation – it helps you think and act differently then before so that you can achieve different results – RESULTS THAT IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF LIFE YOU LIVE. Retraining our brains to achieve the things in life that we want to achieve through our own volition!
CANNABIS OFFERS A RANGE OF BENEFITS from being a superfood offering a “one stop shop” for nutritional needs in it’s raw state, to being an amazing vehicle that transports our minds and bodies to a rejuvenating rest, relaxation and sleep state. When used therapeutically in our diets (raw) cannabis provides our body with all the esential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, etc. that it requires to optimize health and wellness. Applied topically, cannabis creams and lotions provide great relief for tired, achey and/or sore muscles – and neither of these methods result in a “high” or psychotropic euphoria. On the other hand, ingested or inhaled cannabis will cause a euphoria (unless its a CBD dominant strain) that frees the mind from stress, anxiety and/or overthinking. It helps to relax the body and brain and affords a much greater rest and deeper sleep.

Plan your Spring Strategy Now…
Without a set plan of action that was created specifically for you, it may be hard to stay on track or recognize the ideal course that helps you, help you! A plan gives you direction & intent that helps to ensure you develop the resources you need to obtain health and wellness.
Elements of wellness
Green Irene’s T.H.C. and HEALTHYSELFHYPNOSIS wellness strategies take a holistic approach to
being well:

A healthy mind provides the emotional energy and clarity to approach and manage life with optimism and resilience.

A healthy body provides the physical energy and
endurance to fulfill life’s daily
requirements and reach personal goals.

Healthy living habits provide knowledge, ability, and opportunity to interact with the world with increased confidence, security, and stewardship.

For weekly tips, tricks, and techniques that will help you, help you take control of your future today!
If fear, attention deficit issues, or feelings of overwhelm are holding you back – or if procrastination is a chronic issue for you, I recommend you SCHEDULE A FREE DISCOVERY CALL with me to explore the ways in which I can help you, help you.
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