Sometimes life isn’t easy. Sometimes, every day is a struggle that we aim to simply “survive”. That’s when an intervention strategy can help restore balance in your life so that you don’t just survive each day, rather, you can appreciate, embrace, and enjoy it.
Those with chronic pain often feel like they are condemned to a life of pain and suffering. Hypnosis is an incredible way to alleviate pain and it is a very natural method of healing.
Like many people you probably feel drawn to the idea of healing with hypnotherapy but would like to find out more about what it entails and how the process works.
Healing with hypnotherapy works directly at the source of the problem- in the subconscious mind. Hypnotherapy uses two prime methods to literally help you change your mind. These methods are suggestion hypnosis and regression hypnosis.
Hypnosis for Pain
Suggestion hypnosis &/or regression hypnosis techniques can be used effectively in combination with NLP and Cannabis for fast, very contained, gentle, extremely effective and powerful results that are lasting!
Healing Power of The Mind
Our bodies are very effective at healing themselves, our brains are like medicine chests that can release all kinds of powerful chemicals to heal us and reduce pain, numerous studies have shown that placebos can reduce pain as effectively as morphine in up to 70% of test subjects. The placebo effect is so widely recognised that drug companies cannot get drugs approved unless they prove their effectiveness against placebos.
Placebos have been proven to produce physiological changes, they can increase heart rate and blood pressure. Hypnotherapy is very effective at reducing blood pressure and heart rate. Depression, anxiety, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and chronic pain have been very heavily influenced by the placebo effect.
When one is considering hypnosis for pain management, it is important to recognize that pain is a necessary sensation that is designed to alert us of a problem in the body. Chronic pain however is a pain or discomfort that persists long after the medical issue that caused the pain has been addressed and therefore the “chronic message and response” program no longer serves a purpose.
Hypnosis for chronic pain (or acute pain) changes the way you perceive what you feel
In the state of physical and mental trance – with heightened awareness, you have the ability to “alter” the way you experience pain – by using your imagination!
IMAGERY can be a very powerful technique to use for pain management and a very natural method of healing. Combining NLP techniques a person can “WORK WITH” pain experiences, – find and focus on feeling of comfort and joy or bliss and then for all intent purposes “BANISH PAIN” replacing with comfort and bliss. Cannabis of course is a super supportive tool in the capacity of its ability to aid in relaxation and calm the critical faculties our minds – allowing the creativity of our subconscious to enhance our imaginations.
Consider the following PAIN ALLEVIATION PRACTICE that I often employ. Try the imagery on for size and tweak to suit your own needs or visuals.
Allowing your mind to wander and breathing deeply – let your thoughts show you the regions of pain inside your body – attach a color to the region – make the color clear and attach the color to the pain as you recognize it to be. Remember acknowledging pain can be transformative – can it not? Now begin to work with your pain by draining the color, reducing the regions to a gray zone then to nothingness – as the gray begins to fade away fill the zone with vibrant sparkles – sparkles that ignite flickers of joy and create or stimulate thoughts of comfort and stimulate sweet enticing smells and sounds that bring comfort and peace and happiness – – – and as they fill each region, breath deeply exhaling the last of the gray – tap you your toes and then twitch your nose. Breathe deep – 1 – 2 – 3 – EXCELLENT!
Imagery can be very powerful technique and this short exercise can be very useful and the more you practice it – the more effective it will become for you and the more you help you help you the easier it will become.
Amongst many numerous other things like PTSD, Depression, anxiety and phobias; Hypnosis can be used for treating pain caused by arthritis, fibromyalgia, headaches/migraines, cancer, IBS, dis ease of the mind or body and or spirit. I have seen remarkable results for relieving pain as a result of injury and amazing “healing time” results for things like burn and accident injury.
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