Information overload (also known as infobesity, infoxication, information anxiety, and information explosion) is the difficulty in understanding an issue and effectively making decisions when one has too much information (TMI) about that issue, and is generally associated with the excessive quantity of daily information.

With the constant flow of information in today’s world, the brain can get too much overstimulation and this is where the concept of information overload comes into play.
It is not a secret that the human brain is amazing and it has an unmatchable power that continues to amaze scientists and neurologists. In fact, recent research suggests that the human brain is capable of storing as much information as the entire Internet, or more precisely, a petabyte of information. Furthermore, researchers have discovered that a brain cell uses 26 different ways to encode information. Isn’t that amazingly shocking? UNFORTUNATELY… while this ability can makes us feel as if we have superpowers, researchers believe that too much information puts our brain’s health in danger, resulting in an information overload.
“Technology is so much fun, but we can drown in our technology. The fog of information can drive out knowledge.”
Daniel J. Boorstin
YES! INFORMATION IS POWER and although being informed and knowledgable is a good thing, overstimulation of the brain can have reverse effects. In other words, instead of becoming smarter, our brain’s ability to engage in problem-solving skills will decrease.
“Once capacity is surpassed, additional information becomes noise and results in a decrease in information processing and decision quality”
Joseph Ruff
Consequently, a stressed and overloaded brain is at high risk of dementia and other neurodegenerative disorders (Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases).
Indications that you are suffering from Information Overload
- Increased blood pressure
- Low mood or energy
- A decreased cognitive performance which ultimately affects your decision-making skills
- Finding it difficult to concentrate
- Impaired vision
- Diminished productivity
- Strong compulsion to check emails, apps, voice mails, etc.
- Insomnia
- Vivid dreams
- Tiredness
How to Avoid Information Overload?
1. Filter the information
Read and listen only to the information you consider useful for today or if it enriches your knowledge. Ignore irrelevant information like news, gossips, talk shows, etc.
2. Select the sources
It is always great to hear different opinions, but more does not necessarily mean better or truer. Select only reliable sources and stick to them.
3. Set limits
Is it really necessary to read the news every morning or update your posts daily on Facebook? Set some time limits
4. Prioritize your activities
Do not overload your schedule with plenty of activities that require your maximum attention. First, finish the most important one and if time allows, do the others – PACE YOURSELF
5. Beware of Energy Vampires
Some people can leave you emotionally or mentally drained. Some may like to talk too much and give you as many details as possible while others will simply pass their problems to you. Your time and energy are limited, so spend them wisely.
6. Refuse
If some tasks are out of your league or you feel like drowning in work, do not be afraid to refuse – it is GOOD to say NO to an extra work which will likely reduce the efficiency and quality of your cognitive performance.
7. Do the right thing!
Experts suggest we re-energize our neurons and increase their resistance to damage by doing 4 simple things: physical exercise, sleep, hydration, and outdoor activities.
8. Spend some time alone
Give yourself a break and put your thoughts into order by simply doing nothing, away from the noises, Internet, and people.
9. Medicate & Meditate
Using cannabis to help facilitate a meditation session is an excellent way to ensure that you can “erase” the non essential info of the day.

Are you experiencing the symptoms or having flares as a result of information overload? BOOK NOW – FIND OUT HOW I CAN HELP YOU – HELP YOU
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