Currently, Covid seems to have many people feeling down, depressed, and quite frankly like they are being held hostage in their own homes.
Chronic illness and pain suffering patients are all too familiar with this way of living – or more accurately, existing. They’ve (we’ve) had to learn to live “Differently-abled”, creating unique strategies for survival. We’ve developed special coping skills for dealing with the many challenges that affect our mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and social challenges.

Survival strategies, coping tools, and methods for managing MENTAL, EMOTIONAL, PHYSICAL, SPIRITUAL, SOCIAL, AND ECONOMIC challenges are par for the course when you’re chronically ill – GREEN IRENE’S T.H.C. Programs, events, productions, etc. are basically designed to help you – help you!
I know the “prison of Pain” all too well and I am more than familiar with the life-halting challenges common to chronic illness. I truly understand first hand the effects and all that it robs its victim of. In short, the quality of my life was held hostage for nearly a decade. A laundry list of pharmaceuticals and an exponential array of symptoms, concerns, and comorbidities – held my brain in a fog, put my body in a steadily declining state, and so much more.
Since my recovery in 2012, I have worked hard and studied even harder to understand HOW the mind works and controls our “selves”, WHAT effects cannabis and other natural herbs have on our ability to heal our “selves” and the more I learned, the more I learned there is learn.
WITH THAT SAID, I INVITE YOU JOIN ME and many others on a journey of recovery. Take back the quality of your life, your happiness – your “SELF” – Green & CLEAN. SUBSCRIBE TO THE “FIGHTFIBRO.CA WEBSITE – it is a WEEKLY BLOG/VLOG that shares the strategies I use and teach to NAVIGATE THROUGH THE BATTLE ZONES OF SYMPTOMS & SUCCESSFULLY FIGHT FIBROMYALGIA – PHARMACEUTICAL FREE using NLP, HYPNOSIS, and CANNABINOID THERAPIES.

THE POINT IS… YOU ARE NOT ALONE and you don’t have to feel like a victim of circumstances. Thanks to the internet, social media sites, and digital connectivity – you can socialize and stimulate your mind, learn a multitude of options, broaden your spectrum and activate wellness strategies that HELP YOU – HELP YOU and improve your overall health – FROM VICTIM TO VICTOR – YOU ARE A WARRIOR! Sign up and tune in to share and explore battle strategies that are green and clean – pharma-free!
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