LSD is an exceedingly potent strain that almost guarantees couch-lock. Smells like pine, and tastes like lemon – hits like Rocky Balboa!
COMBUSTED OR VAPED – THE EUPHORIA WAS THE SAME – beginning with an invigorating cerebral high that enables you to unwind. Then BAAMM it hits with a heavy heady high common to Indica strains.
The heady high can make you feel spaced out, and it is often too debilitating for novices. Trust me when I say it’s super easy and quite likely you’ll zone in on whatever is in front of you – MAKING THIS A GREAT STRAIN TO USE PRIOR TO HYPNOSIS OR MEDITATION!
The LSD strain of cannabis offers its users a very sedating and cerebral high. It can put you in a deep state of relaxation as well as help with pains of all sorts, making it a top choice amongst medical cannabis users and a strain I RECOMMEND OFTEN. The flavor is also quite spectacular – tasting of berries, bubblegum, and a pine forest.

LSD STRAIN is a hybrid that is a cross of Mazar I Sharif (an extremely rare hybrid that comes from Afghanistan) and Skunk #1.
MEDICALLY SPEAKING – LSD HAS A HIGH COMBO OF THC & CBD – it has strong relaxing effects taht make it a decent option for people dealing with stress, anxiety or depression. As for chronic pain sufferers – you’ll be too high to care about the joint pains, muscle spasms or lingering migraine.
Although it isn’t the hallucinogenic that its namesake is – IT SHOULD BE RESPECTED AS A POTENT POWERFUL STRAIN and I strongly recommend using it in moderation ESPECIALLY if you are an unseasoned consumer. Overindulgence may result in paranoia, dizziness, increased anxiety – the red eyes and dry mouth are kind of par for the course!!! If you find that you LOVE this strain and want to grow your own – I hear it’s a pretty easy plant to manage unlike OG KUSH

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