Recognize your strengths and unleash your quiet confidence and…
For now, I want to offer you a different perspective as we are all seeking rhythms and routines suitable for our current global situation. While the natural tendency might be to panic or be consumed by fear, confusion, and concern. Remember, this too shall pass – eventually. In the meantime, IT IS ESSENTIAL to keep MOVING FORWARD… INTENTIONALLY. So that WHEN this crisis passes, and we emerge on the other side – WE CAN EMERGE EMPOWERED.
IN THESE UNPRECEDENTED TIMES we have opportunities and choices/options available to us that we likely wouldn’t have considered under normal circumstances – i.e. “time to teach your child to cook, clean read” – for all intent purposes, I am suggesting you make the best of a bad situation. Which more specifically means: To deal with and create the best possible outcome of a bad, unfortunate, or unpleasant situation or set of circumstances.
REALISTICALLY SPEAKING THE CHAOS this health crisis is causing cannot last forever. However, we are all aware that when it’s all said and done, people – life -circumstances – the world – WILL BE DIFFERENT. There will be significant collateral damage economically, physiologically, socially on a global scale. Impacting the lives of each and every one of us
STRESS, CONFUSION, FEAR & ANXIETY are justifiable and understandable states of being right now. However, as most of us are aware, living in these states, have very NEGATIVE IMPACTS ON OUR HEALTH mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. So, WHAT CAN WE DO FOR OURSELVES to ensure that emerge empowered? HEALTHY – WEALTHY – WISE? TRUTH IS, I DON’T KNOW. What I do know is that if we FOCUS our ATTENTION on the things we do have control over – our selves, in particular, the ability to ADJUST, ADAPT & OVERCOME – can be our Super Power.
The media (on and offline) is full of “Advice” to get through this time of crisis, but if you are like me, and the many I’ve spoken with – the advice is too obvious and too general. I need tools, techniques, and strategies that suit me and my circumstances/style. If you feel the same and want some simple, practical tips for how to cope when things go wrong—or when everything goes wrong? – keep reading!
HEALTHY HABITS HELP WHEN YOU ARE MANAGING THE WORST DAYS and trying to get your groove back. There are many simple and effective ways to “get through” this pandemic – many of them are ingredients for a healthy mental and physical lifestyle. Like, start an exercise routine, take up a hobby, practice a skill, observe healthy eating habits
EXPAND YOUR “ROUTINE”. Find activities that give you a sense of mastery, even simple tasks such as packing, making your bed, doing your laundry, going for a walk, checking in on a friend, or practicing a new skill. Purposefully engage in activities that you never have the time for – you do at the moment – EMBRACE THE NOW & EXPLORE OPPORTUNITIES.
ACCEPTING REALITY WILL HELP YOU TO COGNITIVELY & EMOTIONALLY MOVE ON. Begin by accepting your current reality. Your situation is what it is. No amount of wishing for something different or rejecting the situation will change anything. THAT SAID, free yourself from patterns of behavior that don’t serve your purpose at this time. Pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, and desires – journals are a great way to organize emotions outside of our heads. In short, by accepting the present and having compassion for yourself, you can soothe your soul, calm your mind and create a happier, more fulfilling future.
Learn something new or develop a new skill, and allow yourself the space to build on it every day. When you are tempted to engage in an unhealthy activity, consider an activity that builds a sense of achievement instead. Doing something positive and fulfilling not only increases your skill-set, it also boosts your spirits and supports a healthier body, mind, and soul.
As we face these times of uncertainty and
with Green Irene & Guests, is…
- A BLOG / ARTICLE: Content-rich article on the subject of discussion. Typically released Monday Mornings (7:10 am EST)
- A DAILY VLOG: Lively, engaging, entertaining & informative discussion with guests – Spit-balling subjects and Topics – (7:10 pm EST)
- Monday: Medical/Medicinal Matters
- Tuesday: Therapy and Treatment
- Wednesday: Cannabis Support and Benefits
- Thursday: The theory room
- Friday: let’s get physical or fancy food!
- LIVE SIMULCAST: Monday through Friday, discussion with guests or presented by self/guest will broadcast live on various channels between 3:00 and 4:00 pm EST

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