Beastly bowel battles can really wreak havoc on your day, week, month – LIFE and quality of life held hostage by symptoms and conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Disease is unacceptable – therefore, HELP YOU – HELP YOU.
THIS EPISODE OF THE FIBROFIGHT SERIES – LIVE Q&A VIDEOCAST – Addresses the use of Cannabis, NLP & Hypnosis therapies to help you during a flare, and strategies to help you prevent flare-ups. TUNE IN WEEKLY FRIDAYS @ 11AM for LIVE PRESENTATIONS
NOTABLY, Cannabis can be an amazing support tool for both coping and preventative strategies. You can add it to your diet raw &/or decarboxylated to aid your digestive system – you can infuse a relaxing bath with cannabis – you can apply it as a massage oil to relax stressed muscles – you can inhale it aid in achieving a mindful meditative state. Combining the relief gleaned from the benefits of cannabis with the healing powers of hypnosis and brain training techniques of NLP – you can get from VICTIM to VICTOR – naturally!

Let’s take a look at how these tools and techniques can be applied directly to you – if you’d like some help creating your own strategy we can schedule that too!
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