Meditation has been shown to have a positive impact on everything from immune response to problem-solving abilities to sleep. Your ability to manage miserable symptoms of chronic pain or illness, to fight depression and alleviate anxiety increases substantially with a daily practice of meditation.
Cannabis is a wonderful tool for helping to settle into a meditative “mode” and a daily meditation practice will genuinely TRANSFORM YOUR HEALTH, WELLNESS & HAPPINESS improving he quality of life you live.
There is no big secret or skill involved – the acti is to simply quiet the mind and allow freedom of thought while focused on your breath. For all intent purposes – MEDITATION IS THE ACT OF MINDFUL CONCENTRATION. It is a great mental exercise that helps improve focus and cognitive reasoning as well as “keeping us young” since stress and anxiety are huge contributors to the aging process, and meditation practice has a tremendous impact on helping us reduce and possibly eliminate stress and anxiety altogether – MEDITATION CERTAINLY HELPS MANAGE, REDUCE AND CONTROL STRESS.
Meditation works wonders for the brain and body – Just like regular exercise, and a nutritional diet – meditation has to become a “Healthy habit” for it to be effective long term. For a lot of people, meditation is difficult. Perhaps they’re too stressed out to settle into their practice. Maybe they struggle with chronic pain. Or maybe their anxiety makes the thought of sitting down and observing their thoughts seem completely overwhelming. Whatever the case, cannabis can make it easier to settle into a meditation practice.
There’s science behind the idea that cannabis can help you relax into the experience of meditation. Every person has a different experience when they meditate—so when it comes to incorporating cannabis into your meditation practice, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. The best way to combine cannabis and meditation is going to depend on your practice, your tolerance, and what you’re trying to get from the experience.
Notably you’ll want to find the STRAIN OF CANNABIS (cannabinoid and terpene profile is very important) that works best for you and your intent. Not all weed is created equal—and if you want to get the biggest meditation benefit, you want to be careful or at least pay attention to the cannabinoids like THC/CBD and ideally, look for specific terpenes to support you practice.
So, what terpenes should you look for?
- If you struggle with pain or discomfort, try beta-caryophyllene. “Beta-caryophyllene…is a CB2 receptor agonist—meaning, it can bind to those receptors and help to facilitate the relief of pain, reduction of muscle tension and inflammation”
- If you find it hard to relax, try linalool. “Linalool, which is the terpene found in lavender is a really good option, as it…helps to promote body relaxation as well as to decrease stress
- If you can’t focus, try limonene. it is a great terpene to help improve focus and can aid in reducing stress levels and improve mood.”
Go easy on the THC
Using THC in meditation is tricky. One hit might help you focus during your meditation—but one too many hits and focusing could be impossible. You want to go “easy” on the THC % to avoid a case of “absent minded” drifting that could lull you right into a cannabis nap!
CHECK OUT THE S.A.D. (STRAIN A DAY) BUD REVIEWS I STARTED THIS YEAR! I have a 2021 Bucklist to TRY 1 NEW STRAIN for every day of the year and write a review to share with you, to HELP YOU, HELP YOU
The meditation experience will be genuinely affected by the strain / profile of cannabis you consume. Sativa’s or sativa dominant hybrids tend to me energizing with focused alertness, while indicas are more sedating with relaxing effects. In reality there is no guarantee either will be true for you, because the Full plant profile including terpenes will determine the strains effects. Further to that – cannabis interacts with each person’s ecs uniquely – finding the perfect profile for you may take some experimentation and time.
While you are experimenting with different types of cannabis, you may want to explore various types of meditation. The truth is, not every form of meditation is going to be the right fit for every person – nor will all persons find the same strain the perfect strain! While you might want a more relaxing strain for sitting meditation, something more energizing could be a better fit for more movement-based explorations.
If the more traditional sit-and-be-quiet type of meditation doesn’t feel like the right fit for you, so be it! Try something more movement-based, like a walking meditation, Qigong, or Yoga. “People think meditation is all about sitting down and quieting the noise it is also being active in your body.” – I like to spread paint across a canvas, or zone out to the sound of the waves hitting the shore. THERE IS NO RIGHT OR WRONG WAY really!
Cannabis consumption methods produce varied effects. Edible or ingested cannabis can take anywhere from 30 minutes up to two or more hours for the euphoric onset plus another 4 – 6 hours before that euphoria peaks, therefore, ingestion is obviously not the logical method of consumption for medicating prior to a meditation.
Inhaled is the most common Method of Consumption has near immediate euphoric effects. Vaping affords a more precise “dose” of cannabinoids and terpense. Vocano’s are the best and the the cool this is you can combine other beneficial herbs (more on that later)
Combustion is still the most preferred Method of Consumption by experienced consumers and there is something ceremonial about wrapping and sparking and inhaling smoke of the ganja 🙂
For a well round truly eperienctial mecated mediation as a strategic support tool for health and wellness, consider blending your choice strain with PASSION FLOWER known to be very helpful in relieving headaches, restlessness, muscleaches and pains, neuralgia, insomnia anxiety and more. MUELLIN is an excellent herb for lung protection and Raspberr learf is a great for helping to balance those hormones! THE POINT IS HERBS HELP YOU HELP YOU and the MEDITATION will too!
Meditation has some serious stress-busting benefits—and cannabis has some serious potential to help you deepen your meditation practice. And now that you know how to use the two together, all that’s left to do is take a hit, relax, and get meditating. Before you do though – PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT and if you haven’t already – SUBSCRIBE & FOLLOW.

I love to share what I learn, and am glad you appreciate it – If you’d like to keep the info coming and want to show your support in a way besides liking and sharing – HERE IS A COOL THING… You can buy me a cup of coffee or two – it’s up to you!
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