HEALTHY HABITS HELP WHEN YOU ARE MANAGING THE WORST DAYS and trying to get your groove back. There are many simple and effective ways to “get through” this pandemic – many of them are ingredients for a healthy mental and physical lifestyle. Like, start an exercise routine, take up a hobby, practice a skill, observe healthy eating habits, etc. MINDFULNESS, MEDITATION & SELF HYPNOSIS are VALUABLE TOOLS TO MAINTAINING SANITY – FINDING PURPOSE & HEALING THOUGHTS
When people meditate long-term, they experience positive changes in the brain, better empathy, and improved metacognitive skills – not to mention overall health.
CANNABIS IS AN AMAZING VEHICLE TO HELP TRANSPORT our consciousness into a calmer, more relaxed state. Joining me today is Kim Cooper from NOCER & PACE Radio to talk about specific strains and methods of consumption for meditation practices.
As meditation is shown to have positive effects on the brain, including helping with depression and anxiety disorders, it seems that cannabis might help in transport you to a mindful/meditative state much quicker. It takes time for meditators to reach a suitable level of experience for those benefits to occur, but with cannabis, you can possibly dive straight in.
Mindfulness is also a good way of helping with a large selection of physical health issues. For example, stress-related conditions like high blood pressure can be reduced, and even things like inflammation, which can lead to heart conditions and diabetes, can be helped. Mindfulness can also help you boost your own immune system, and assist with the body’s healing response.
As we face these times of uncertainty and self-isolate or phy
with Green Irene & Guests, is…
- A BLOG / ARTICLE: Content-rich article on the subject of discussion. Typically released Monday Mornings (7:10 am EST)
- A DAILY VLOG: Lively, engaging, entertaining & informative discussion with guests – Spit-balling subjects and Topics – (7:10 pm EST)
- Monday: Medical/Medicinal Matters
- Tuesday: Therapy and Treatment
- Wednesday: Cannabis Support and Benefits
- Thursday: The theory room
- Friday: let’s get physical or fancy food!
- LIVE SIMULCAST: Monday through Friday, discussion with guests or presented by self/guest will broadcast live on various channels between 3:00 and 4:00 pm EST
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